This could be a pretty long list with new ways being added all the time I am sure. But just thinking about the kinds - big and small - will probably be longer than all the ways to do things right.
Yesterday I took a couple of Moon Sights and one of them was a little out which was curious as there was a nice Moon out. Then looking a little more close I saw that I had forgotten to apply the correct azimuth rule. Once corrected the sight was bang on. Now, would I have done the same thing if I had no actual GPS location feedback to challenge the result? Definitely not, unless it had been a really big and different azimuth.
Anyway, now the fun begins...
- applying the incorrect azimuth without using logic to realize it was incorrect - Moon was in the wrong part of the sky!!!
- using the wrong numbers for Assumed Longitude
- reading along the wrong line or column
- not differentiating between SAME and CONTRARY
- making SIMPLE math mistakes while adding or subtracting
- using the wrong scale when measuring intercepts on plots
- misreading the scale
- using longitude scale instead of latitude scale
- forgetting to account for DST
- adding when I should be subtracting and vice versa
- reversing numerals this way and that without reason
- mixing up lower limb with upper limb (w. artificial horizon)
- just LOTS and LOTS of little mental mistakes
More to come.