Friday 28 August 2015

HCSP Charter to Clarkson on Lake Ontario

GPS Track for a Day of Sailing
Today I took 3 sisters out on a cruise - it was a Friday off for fun in the sun for them. They had no particular destination in mind so it ended up being a very nice, easy sail along the North shore of the Lake. We ended of being on a Close Reach the entire trip there and back. The 3 sisters ended up spending most of their on the bow of the boat in the sun relishing the Sun and catching up with what was happening in their lives.

On the way back stopped off the beach just south of the Toronto Island Airport. We anchored and the ladies all went in for a swim in what was deemed to be very cold water by all. Next stop was the beach at the East and South side of Wards Island. This water ended up being warmer and therefore more agreeable, too bad that it was time to head back.

It was a great all day sail for me, basically single handing SIONNEAN, a C&C 29, except to get some steerage assistance when required to drop and raise anchor or to raise and lower the sails.

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