Friday 30 October 2015

Celestial Navigation Practice Passage (No. 3)

Cape Verde to St. Lucia via Celestial Navigation

I found a blog that put forward a hypothetical passage from Cape Verde to the Caribbean, that had a complete toolkit of sights - Sun/Run/Sun, Noon Sun, Planets, Moon and Stars. They also had a few errors that had to be dealt with. A point of interest was to maintain an ongoing log of DR's for the entire passage - this was the trickiest part - would be a lot easier if plotted on a chart.

A reference log of accurate GPS positions was available for comparison and for the most part, the majority of fixes were close to very close, with a handful still to be reconciled (perhaps more built in mistakes to be solved).

Anyway it was a fun exercise to do.

Next task - Practice Passages No. 1 and 2.

The blog site is here...

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