Tuesday 9 February 2016

Guerrilla Celestial Navigation

Probably not too different from what blue water navigators have had to do to catch a sight and determine a fix - I coin the term Guerrilla Celestial Navigation not so much as replicating or performing to an art form but to do what you might have to do to the best of your abilities or circumstances - to get the job done.

I have used the same term when making sushi at home - the art form is not practiced just the raw production of most times very tasty sushi.

So what constitutes Guerrilla Celestial Navigation? Here goes...

- taking a sun sight against a near shore horizon because that is all you have
- waiting for an opening in the cloud cover to get a sun sight while you can before losing it to the next cloud
- catching a sun sight when you have light cloud cover
- trying to guess where the limb of the sun is during an obscured sight

Take what you can when you have it - while you have it.

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