Sunday 4 June 2017

Where Have I Been in the SGI...

I was just thinking about the upcoming course and places that we could go to in the Southern Gulf Islands, and reminiscing about places that I have been to. In addition,what places remain about where I would still like to go.

The following image captures the places that I have been to over the years with family and/or sailing courses that I have taken out of Port Sydney and Nanaimo...

SGI Places That I Have Been To...

Places been to...
- Port Sidney
- Port Browning
- Ganges
- Princess Bay (Portland Island)
- Nanaimo
- Pirates Cove
- Montague Harbour
- Cowichan
- Bird's Eye Cove
- Chemainus
- Telegraph Harbour
- Mark Bay
- Sibell Bay
- Genoa Bay
- Russell Island
- Irish Bay
- Clam Bay
- Wally's Bay
- Winter Cove

SGI Places Yet To Go To...

Places to go...
- Pilot Bay
- Silva Bay
- Ruxton/Pylades Island
- Wallace Island
- Vesuvius
- Fulford Harbour
- Whaler Bay
- Prevost Island
- Egeria Bay
- Boot Cove
- Tumbo Island
- Brentwood Bay

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