Thursday 10 August 2017

ISPA Yachtmaster Offshore in September

Well, this will be the big one. Ian asked me in June if I would be interested to take Belle Serena on the September course around Vancouver Island. Of course I said yes as this would the pinnacle of my sailing career, so far, as well as being a fun, challenging, nerve-wracking and rewarding passage.

Go here for a quick Facebook video on Serena...

and another on Serena here as well...

I have done it twice so far, both times as student and crew - now as Instructor.

Among all things especially considering safety, weather and navigation - a key focus will be the offshore and celestial navigation component.

See the following for an earlier look at some of the more interesting navigational challenges...

I am quietly making good progress on refreshing my knowledge of the western side of the island. Thinking about safe havens, different anchorages and possible stops. What a great trip it will be - more later.

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