Thursday 16 February 2017

Sample Itineraries for 5 Day Instructional Cruises

I may be instructing a 5 day overnight cruise through the Southern Gulf Islands this June/July 2017 through Nanaimo Yacht Charters and Sailing School. So of course I started to imagine all of the great places that one could go to. The following represents some sample cruise routes and destinations - either anchorages or moorages. All are spectacular and very civilized with scenic locales and on shore activities of various kinds.

These routes are very leisurely with no more than 20 nm between anchorages and lots of time for drills and lessons on the water.

The total distance for all of these routes is about 100 nm so it makes for an easy sail among these spectacularly scenic locations. The Dreamspeaker Guides are a must to review and to use as planning sources...

Route No. 1

Day 1 - Nanaimo to Clam Bay (Anchorage)
Day 2 - Clam Bay to Montague Harbour (Mooring Buoy)
Day 3 - Montague Harbour to Princess Bay via Ganges (Anchorage)
Day 4 - Princess Bay to Telegraph Harbour (Moorage)
Day 5 - Telegraph Harbour to Nanaimo (Moorage)

From the charter base it is about 1 hour to Dodd Narrows that must be transited at slack water down the north end of Stuart Channel to the east side of Thetis Island where Clam Bay provides a wide open anchorage that has dinghy access through The Cut to Telegraph Harbour's bistro and pub.

Clam Bay, Thetis Island
Montague Harbour is an easy sail southwards in the Trincomali Channel. Mooring buoys at Montague Harbour Marine Park provide shore access to the park and on shore destinations.

Ganges is a must stop for shore activities - crafts, treats, provisions, coffee shop and bakery. It is a busy marina and active hub for a quick visit.

Princess Bay is a very pretty anchorage on the south side of Portland Island with beautiful hikes around the island surveying some interesting heritage locations.

Princess Bay, Portland Island
Going northwards on the return leg one ends up on the west side of Telegraph Harbour after going through Sansum Narrows and the south end of Stuart Channel.There are two marinas for an overnight stay.

The final day's passage takes one through Dodd Narrows once again - timing is important to go through on slack. A return to Nanaimo completes the cruise.

Route No. 2

Day 1 - Nanaimo to Pirate's Cove (Anchorage)
Day 2 - Pirate's Cove to Ganges (Moorage)
Day 3 - Ganges to Genoa Bay via Cowichan Bay (Anchorage)
Day 4 - Genoa Bay to Sibell Bay via Chemainus (Anchorage)
Day 5 - Sibell Bay to Nanaimo (Moorage)

Pirate's Cove is a fun anchorage coming in via a resident painted transit on a rock and a tree over a small bar that needs to be crossed at high water. The anchorage is popular so a stern tie to rings on shore is a must.

Pirate's Cove, De Courcey Island
An overnight in Ganges is great with some fine restaurants and pubs to visit. A side trip to Cowichan Bay is an interesting detour before dropping the hook in Genoa Bay which is a great protected anchorage.

Genoa Bay
On the way northwards through Sansum Narrows and Stuart Channel, a short stop can be made in Chemainus for Sushi or Cinnamon Buns, then on into Ladysmith Harbour for an overnight anchorage in the protected and secluded cove of Sibell Bay. There are day wanderings that can be made into Ladysmith.

Sibell Bay, Ladysmith Harbour
After coordinating with slack current through Dodd Narrows, the final run across Northumberland Strait brings us back to the charter base in Nanaimo.

Route No. 3

Day 1 - Nanaimo to Princess Cove (Anchorage)
Day 2 - Princess Cove to Russell Island (Anchorage)
Day 3 - Russell Island to Bird's Eye Cove (Moorage)
Day 4 - Bird's Eye Cove to North Cove (Anchorage)
Day 5 - North Cove to Nanaimo (Moorage)

Princess Cove is a narrow and sheltered anchorage on beautiful Wallace Island - stern tying to shore is a must. Hiking trails can be accessed on shore.

Wallace Island
The north side of Russell Island provides good protection from southerly winds and Ferry traffic wake. The island has a Hawaiian heritage and walking trails. A stop can be made into Fulford Harbour just 30 minutes to the north.

Russell Island
After rounding the bottom of Saltspring Island, transiting Sansum Narrows and entering Maple Bay - Bird's Eye Cove can be accessed for an overnight moorage at Maple Bay Marina.

Bird's Eye Cove, Maple Bay
 A leisurely sail northwards across Stuart Channel and around to the north side of Thetis Island brings one to the quiet and picturesque North Cove for a protected overnight anchorage.

The final day is an easy passage northwards through Dodd Narrows and arrival in Nanaimo.

An Extended Loop

 The winds are usually light during the summer months in the SGI. You can usually find winds on a regular basis in Plumper Sound which is between Mayne and North Pender Islands just south of Swanson Channel and Active Pass.

Additional destinations could include anchorages in Port Browning where on one of my first visits a bagpiper played to an appreciative anchored audience from somewhere on North Pender Island, and in shallower waters with a tricky entry in Winter Cove which is between Saturna and Samual Islands.

Port Browning, North Pender Island
Winter Cove, Saturna Island

Sailing below Moresby Island and towards Vancouver Island gives one a chance to stay overnight at a protected marina in Port Sydney, or others just to the north before Swartz Bay.

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